Monday, April 11, 2011


This is the blog that I'll be using for my research project. My experiences with research is in the past have been alright. I've never really liked research projects unless it is over something i find interesting. My last years project was really interesting because i did it over my favorite artist Dr. Dre. I was able to stay on task because i was so eager to learn more things about him and the impact he has on the music industry. At of all my projects I've done in the past last years was probably the one i enjoyed doing the most  and actually made a good grade on.

NICOLAS KHAYAT. Dr. Dre arrives at the "SHADY National Convention 2004" held at Roseland ballroom, to celebrate both Eminem's new album "Encore" and the launch of his own radio channel "Shade 45" on Sirius Radio in N. Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service. 28 Oct. 2004. eLibrary. Web. 11 Apr. 2011

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